Featured Message
Thankful For The Light
In scripture we learn about the blinding power of sin. There is something unusual and dark about the nature of sin, the motions of sin, participation in sin, and the behavior of sin, in that it blurs and obscures facts, veils dangers, and conceals the reality of the damage it's doing beneath the surface. Much like an infection beneath the skin, you can't see that it's wreaking havoc below. The more you sin, the more blind to it you become.
The Bible teaches that Christians are those who have been delivered from the reigning power of darkness. We were once without any light, without any illumination, any spiritual understanding, and were without hope and without God in the world. Now, the Light of His Grace has enabled us to know Him, from the least of us to the greatest of us! He is the Sun of Righteousness by which we not only behold something of His glory, but we see clearly enough to run away from the stench of our own sin, the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Why? Because now we see that everything God says is true. We’ve finally been exposed to ourselves, and the lies we believed to the contrary on these issues has been unmasked. We are no longer left to stumble in the dark as a wayfaring man with no stars to guide him. We are no longer bound in the shadows of our own delusions. Instead we can sing: "I once was lost, but now I'm found; once blind, but now I see."
In scripture we learn about the blinding power of sin. There is something unusual and dark about the nature of sin, the motions of sin, participation in sin, and the behavior of sin, in that it blurs and obscures facts, veils dangers, and conceals the reality of the damage it's doing beneath the surface. Much like an infection beneath the skin, you can't see that it's wreaking havoc below. The more you sin, the more blind to it you become.
The Bible teaches that Christians are those who have been delivered from the reigning power of darkness. We were once without any light, without any illumination, any spiritual understanding, and were without hope and without God in the world. Now, the Light of His Grace has enabled us to know Him, from the least of us to the greatest of us! He is the Sun of Righteousness by which we not only behold something of His glory, but we see clearly enough to run away from the stench of our own sin, the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Why? Because now we see that everything God says is true. We’ve finally been exposed to ourselves, and the lies we believed to the contrary on these issues has been unmasked. We are no longer left to stumble in the dark as a wayfaring man with no stars to guide him. We are no longer bound in the shadows of our own delusions. Instead we can sing: "I once was lost, but now I'm found; once blind, but now I see."